Stem cells and the prospect of stem cell therapy in India

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Stem cells are the cells that have capacity to self proliferate, regenerate and differentiate. These cells are able to produce more specified cell, when injected into any part of the body. Their ability to generate into specified cells of the cells where they are injected has given rise to the possibilities that they can be used to cure many diseases .Stem cells can removed the damaged cells and replace them with cells that are needed at the particular part of the body.

The two important characteristic of the stem cells are their ability to produce themselves through cell divisions and that they can produce the functioning cells when injected into the specified damaged part of the body.

Stem Cells Therapy in Delhi

The stem cell therapy has made rapid advanced in India and it would be possible to replace the conventional, expensive therapy with stem cell therapy for chronic diseases.  The stem cell therapy is bit costly and it can run into lakhs of rupees. The stem cell therapy is offered in leading Stem Cells Therapy in India hospitals in Mumbai, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Pune. There is slightly difference into the style of treatment. The doctors of Hyderabad directly inject the stem cells into the brain for autism and doctors of pune give stem cells intravenously.

After successfully testing stem cell therapy on many diseases, the doctors are now testing the stem cell to cure the autism. This is a neural disorder and person or children suffering from it have impaired interaction and level of communication is also not developed. They have difficulties in day to day meeting communication needs.


The stem cell is being tested on the children with autism syndrome. The doctors are divided over the efficacy of the stem cells in the autism case. Some doctors show that there was some improvement in the children with autism, when stem cells were injected in the brains. Some doctors say that their PET scans has shown increased metabolism in some parts of the brain after stem cells injections. But others believe that autism occurs before the birth, and there is no damaged brain, which can be cured by stem cell therapy. The stem cell therapy in case of autism  may not give the desired results. But stem cells have already worked on the heart disease, diabetes, Stem Cells Treatment in India and tests have confirmed that it can work on Parkinson diseases and other neurological issues. The issues which can be treated with the stem cell are spinal cord injury, hearing loss, osteoarthritis, knee injuries, lung disease, multiple sclerosis and many other diseases.

Stem cells and their role in neurological and orthopedic cases

Stem cells have remarkable ability to develop themselves by through cell division under laboratory conditions. When they are injected in the body, they can become like the part in which they are injected. Each cell of the stem cell has the potential to remain stem cell or become specified cell such as muscle cell or blood cell or brain cell.  In some organs such as bone marrow or gut, the stem cells replace or repair the worn out parts by dividing themselves.

Stem cells treatment for neurology

Stem cells have shown potential to treat various diseases related to the neurological disorder. The cerebral palsy is the brain injury during pregnancy or after child’s birth. The use of  stem cells in animals have shown results and these are giving confidence that in future the stem cell can be injected into human for curing brain injury.The potential is that by transforming the stem cell into vasculature rather than directly into brain will help improve the condition in human beings.


Similarly, in Alzheimer’s disease, degeneration of brain cells can be cured by use of stem cells. The stem cell grafts can be implanted to cure many disease related to the central nervous system including Alzheimer disease. After grafting, the stem cells can migrate to the part of the brain and become the cell, the lack which causes the diseases. The stem cells can also supply the new cells to promote the recovery by replacing damaged cells rapidly.

Parkinson disease Stem Cells Treatment for Neurological Disorders cure has shown the real possibility because the experiment was conducted on the patient and he showed improvement. The stem cells were isolated from the brain of the patient. They were treated in the laboratory to produce the neurons. Then they were injected into the brain of the patient. The condition of the patient improved and he showed little rigidity of muscles associated with the diseases. This was the first study which demonstrated that stem cell treatment has real potential for curing Parkinson diseases.

Similarly, the stem cells have improved the conditions of animals suffering from brain strokes. Scientists are conducted further research on the spinal cord injury and use of stem cell to cure it.

The use of Stem Cells Treatment For Orthopaedic stem cell has been quite successful in the orthopedic field. It has been used in bone grafting of skeletal defects . Also in treatment of osteoporosis, the stem cells treatment has been very effective. Stem cell treatment is already tested on humans in the field of orthopedic field with excellent results.

Stem cells and their use in treatment of diseases

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Stem cells are different from other cells of the body. They have three general characteristics, they can divide themselves in countless cells, and they can also renew themselves for longer period. And their divide themselves without any infection. All stem cells have these characteristics, regardless of their origin. The stem cells can also specialized themselves into cells, where they are injected.  The stem cells can give million of cells in the laboratory for use in any part of the body.

The widespread use of stem cells has been to treat the diseases of blood and immune system. The stem cells are also used for blood system restoration after treatment for cancer. In American, the stem cells are used to treat the skin burnt cases by growing skin grafts for patients with severe skin burns. But there are some aspects of this treatment for burnt skin that has to be improved. The skin generated with the treatment of stem cells is not like normal skin and has to hair follicles or sweat glands. But scientists are trying to improve the effectiveness of stem cell treatment,

Stem Cells Therapy in Delhi

Today the Stem Cells Therapy in India is used to produce tissues and cells that can be used for cell based therapies. There is need to replace damaged organs in large number of patients but the availability is less and demand is growing. The gap could be filled by growing organs and tissues with the help of stem cells by injecting them into tissues and organs needed .For example, the use of stem cells can be done to produce heart muscle cells in the laboratory and then inject the same into the person with heart diseases. The research done in laboratory on mice has shown positive results in this regard. Now, scientists are try to understand whether the stem cells can generate heart cells or help to grow new blood vessels to repopulate the heart tissue. The tests in laboratory have shown promise that in future it would be Stem Cells Treatment in India possible to cure heart diseases in humans with injecting stem cells grown in the laboratories.. Also diseases related to brains, such as brains stroke, and diabetes can also be treated with the use of stem cells by various methods.  For example, in diabetes, the production of insulin stops, which regulates the amount of sugar in the body. The stem cells can be injected into the human to generate insulin producing cells to cure the diabetes.